State Rep. Park Cannon vows to keep fighting Georgia voting law

Georgia state lawmaker, Park Cannon was arrested at the state Capitol after the governor signed a sweeping new election law supposedly to restore voter confidence in a secure and fair future state elections.

The Atlanta Democrat was arrested March 25 after knocking on the door of the governor’s office while livestreaming comments in support of the controversial new election law.

Notice what Cannon said, “I wanted Kemp to have to look at my face and see the pain and disappointment, the contempt that I had for his insidious act of betrayal against Georgia voters, Georgia citizens.”

Critics of the new law say it will suppress votes.

“Today, I vow to you that I will keep knocking and I ask you, Georgia, to keep knocking. America, keep knocking. All of the marginalized people, keep knocking,” Cannon said during a news conference.  […]
